
Shark fishing in Naples and Marco Island backwaters is very reliable throughout the warm months from March to October. There are an abundance of sharks such as bull, lemon and blacktips throughout our backwaters.  Ranging in sizes from 5 ft. 75 lb. fish to 9 footers weighing in at over 300 pounds, they give any angler a challenging fight!  Capt. Todd Geroy has had a passion for catching these magnificent fish as well as respect for them since his teenage years. Todd loves to get anglers hooked up and “worked” by these shallow water bruisers!

Capt. Todd knows where these beasts cruise looking for their next meal.  You will present your baits along their travel lanes and usually within minutes, the sharks will zero in on the offerings.  Expect some long, blazing runs followed by a stubborn tug-of-war around the boat.  The shark will be brought along side and depending on size, safely brought aboard for a photo or two, tagged and released for another day!  All in shallow, calm inshore water within minutes of Naples or Marco Island!  Inshore sharks are a great challenge for novice or experienced anglers alike.  Not just for the seasoned anglers, these trips are also great fun for outgoing youngsters and teenagers looking for a challenging fight with big fish!

Trips are 4 hours in duration and all tackle, bait, ice and licenses are provided.  Shark fishing trips are catch and release only.  All sharks are released at boat side after photographing or tagging.038